
I tried starting a manufacturing unit in India…

So this is the story of me trying to start a manufacturing unit in India…

Quick facts:
Land Size: 3 Acres OR 1,20,000 sq.ft.
Factory Shed / Warehouse Building.
State: Maharashtra
District: Sangli

Do note that, Maharashtra state is considered to be one of the most liberal and best states in terms of “ease of doing business” in India.

I started the process around November 2019. It’s been more than 9 months and I am still at least 4 months away from getting the permission that allows me to construct anything on my agricultural land.

The NA Permission

Yes, you need to obtain “permission” before you build any manufacturing structure on your own land with your own money. This permission is called the NA or Non-Agricultural Certificate.

So let’s get this certificate! 

To get that, I went to the Sangli District Administration Office. The building looks quite good.

After asking around a bit, I was told that I could get the NA permission from the “Revenue Department” office.

And so I went there.

There I was told to get a list of documents.

Level 1 – The Application:

Documents Required:

  1. 7/12 
  2. 8A
  3. Affidavit (Self)
  4. Application Form (Self)
  5. All Land Records Since 1950 (Tahshildar Office)
  6. Official Plot Map (Gat Nakasha)
  7. 9/3 – 9/4 (Document showing ownership of land and other details as on 1950)

The first two documents are available online and easy to get. The 3rd and 4th documents were also easy as the format was already available, I just had to fill them up and sign on them.

The last three documents were not easy to get. It took me more than 3 months and 2000 Rs in legal fees and more than 20 visits to different offices more than 10 kms apart.

But I finally got them. I thought this was it. I was now going to get the prestigious NA certificate.

And so I bought a file and filed all these papers in it and went to the “Revenue Department” Office.

I submitted the file. And was told that the application will be reviewed, discussed in a meeting and then if the application is approved, the procedure for NA-ing the land could be started.

After about a month, I got a call from the Revenue Department asking to visit them for further procedure.

There I was handed a letter, addressing 11 different departments and asking those departments to give me a NOC (No Objection Certificate). I was told to get all the 11 NOC’s by showing this letter to each department and any other additional documents they might ask.

Level 2 – The 11 NOCs:

Actually, there are more than 13 NOC’s required to be obtained but this letter only mentions 11 of them.

After applying to each of these places, they give their own list of documents which require one or two more NOC’s each.

The letter from the Collector Office addressing 11 departments to grant me No Objection Certificates to start a manufacturing unit.
  1. Public Works Department
  2. MahaVitaran
    1. Gram Panchayat NOC
    2. Clear Land of Any Transmission Lines
  3. MahaTransco
  4. Irrigation Department
    1. Gram Panchayat NOC
    2. Pay the Irrigation Tax – 1,89,000 Per Hectare
    3. Map showing distance from nearest River
    4. Legal Form showing the Agreement by Adjoining Farm Land Holders
  5. Health Department, Zilla Parishad
    1. Gram Panchayat NOC
    2. Primary Health Center NOC
  6. Forest Department
  7. MIDC
  8. Business Center
  9. Maharashtra Pollution Control Board
  10. Tehshildar (Taluka)
  11. Town Planning Department
    1. Gram Panchayat NOC
    2. MSEB NOC
    3. Building Plan – Layout
    4. Mojni Nakasha (90 days)
    5. Legal Form showing the Agreement by Adjoining Farm Land Holders

Okay cool. I said to myself. After 4 months, all I had to do was to take this letter to each of these offices (after finding their address, located somewhere in the district) and then get their letter. Easy peasy, I thought.

But no! Once I reached the first “PWD” office, they gave me a list of documents required by them to grant me NOC. 

And so did MahaVitaran. And Mahatransco. And the Irrigation Department…!

1. The PWD NOC

I understand the reasoning behind the need for a PWD NOC. What if they’re planning to build a road through the land on which we intend to do our construction. It’s certainly worth notifying the public works department before we do any construction activity. 

And the PWD NOC was easy to get. It took more than 4 months but no one asked for any bribe nor did anyone ask for any extravagant documents or signatures. 

I have no problem with this one.

2. Mahavitaran NOC

Again, Mahavitaran is the Maharashtra state owned company. It owns the low-tension electricity transmission lines which provides electricity to houses, commercial spaces and farms. (Not industries). 

The requirement for the Mahavitaran NOC is that “if” there are any lines going through the farm land, then the land owner must get them removed. I also agree with this idea. 

Even though removing these lines cost a lot, it is an important step for safety. So again, not a problem.

3. MahaTransco NOC

Again Mahatransco is the same as Mahavitaran except that it provides high-tension electricity transmission for industrial use. 

But there’s a problem here. 

If there are no high-tension lines, as is the case in our land, a self-declaration by the farm owner that there is no Mahatransco line should be sufficient. 

The problem I face: 

I applied for NOC. They came and checked. Their person signed and wrote that there is no Mahatransco line. And then they gave me that paper and asked me to get signatures from two village authorities. The Talathi and The Circle Officer.

And both of them denied it. 

And that’s it. 

Mahatransco would not accept it without the signatures. And these two people would not sign it at any cost. 

What should a mere mortal with no government or political connections do about this?!

And that’s it. Stuck there forever.

4. Irrigation NOC

Documents required by irrigation department to grant a No Objection Certificate

Not only do they need 11 documents, each of which requires almost a month to obtain, they also want us to pay Rupees 2,89,000 (That is more than twice the Average Per Capita National Income of India ~1,35,000) “because” our land falls within the area served by a canal from the Irrigation Department.

All I care about is that I should get a water and an electricity connection and I should be billed at whatever price that prevails and I will pay the bill.

But no. Someone is taking the pain to setup a manufacturing unit. Someone is taking the pain to provide employment. “So let’s just milk out as much as we can from this person so that we can continue giving free things to these “majority” farmers and keep getting elected.”

5. Health Department, Zilla Parishad  NOC

Why do you need the health department’s “permission” to start a manufacturing unit on your land? Well maybe because the government is interested in creating as many hurdles as possible so that these “public servants” can milk as much money as possible from the fool who wants to start a business and create employment.

Also, they gave me a list of documents. These documents were to be uploaded on to a website. And as always, the website doesn’t work.

So it’s stuck because the website isn’t working.

6. Forest Department NOC

No problem.


MIDC NOC is understandable. They procure land and offer it for cheap prices for manufacturing purposes. Therefore it is necessary to confirm that the land on which you are building is not a part of any upcoming MIDC project. 

And the process was fast here. No one asked for any bribes. So I have no problem with this one.

8. Udhyog Kendra NOC

This office was created to facilitate the creation of business capacity in the district. But now it just adds to the burden by being in the list of barriers to be completed before you can start a business.

But fortunately I got it with one application and within one week, so it should just be removed anyway.


Got it within a few days without the need of any documents. And it’s the Pollution Control Board, which is necessary to save the environment. So I am fine with it. As long as it’s fast.

10. Tahsildar NOC

Applied for this NOC in the Tahshildar Office at Miraj. No response. No letter. No communication. And no person is willing to talk about what one should do next.

It’s been more than 4 months. Just total silence.

Obviously, they are playing “hard to get” to get me to pay some bribe and initiate the process. But after going through all this, I am not going to pay any bribe to anyone.

So, it’s just stuck there. Been more than 4 months.

11. Town Planning Department NOC

This is one of the most important NOC according to many experienced “agents” who have been in this N.A. game. A lot of money needs to be sprinkled for this NOC or they can delay your project infinitely. 

They require the following documents:

  1. Gram Panchayat NOC
  2. MSEB (Mahavitaran NOC)
  3. Land Counting Map (Mojani Nakasha) 
  4. Land Co-holders Affidavit 

12. Gram Panchayat.

So as this is a requirement in almost all the NOC’s mentioned above, I went and applied for the Gram Panchayat NOC.

And they openly demanded bribes after waiting for four months. 

So the Gram Panchayat NOC is stuck because of non payment of bribe.

And many other NOC’s depend on the Gram Panchayat NOC, so they are stuck too.

And this is how, ladies and gentlemen, brother and sisters, India will treat you if you try starting a small manufacturing unit to create jobs, useful products and prosperity for yourself and a few others.

It’s been more than 9 months, I went from one office to another. From one Taluka to another, most of the times to find out that the concerned person has decided to stay at home that day.

The office in the village, the “chavdi” as it is called in Marathi runs on the whims of one person and this one person could appear at the office any day and disappear any day. All you can do is sit and wait till the evening and “hope” that this person arrives before 6 PM.

So what next?

Well, I have found out that the law governing these rules is based in the “Maharastra State Land Revenue Code”. I will try to challenge this process in the court as well as protest for change so any one could start or construct anything of their choice on their land without much delay.

My request to you is join me in this mission to really make India a place where Businesses come up like weeds grow on fertile land. Currently even though there is a lot of aspiration in the people and lot of people want to start something, laws like these act as a concrete layer on fertile land to completely halt any entrepreneurial willpower in the rural and the poor people of India.

You can follow me on Twitter for future updates. Rohan Shah Twitter.

288 replies on “I tried starting a manufacturing unit in India…”

At least you got a piece of land. Getting a land is it self a problem. MIDC lands are for rich and influential only.

Very nicely written! Go to any part of India it’s the same story! All these Government servants want to fill their own pockets, to hell with them. I really hope your project comes through, that’ll be the biggest slap on their faces. All the best
Also i have one suggestion put this on twitter tag pmo, cm udhav thakrey and all news channels, lets hope they have some shame and will expedite the process then

Why not acquire a commercial property which has all the clearances required for commercial operations? You need to do a “Vadra” for agricultural land.

Please find the bribe rate per guntha ( 1000 sqft) in your area. It’s around 50k rs in my area( near Pune). These people will not leave you even though you show each legal document.

Nope. I am from Rajasthan. Small town.
We can start a manu. unit by going to the Munciple corporation, Electricity department & PWD+Water. That’s all.
And everything is online.

Here in Kerala a friend of mine started a factory and it took him around 2 months to get all the approvals. He didn’t pay a single rupee as bribe and nobody asked him for bribes. But after a year the fact shut down due to the strike of trade union. Compared to other states corruption is really less in Kerala but it’s not a business friendly state due to communists and shitty trade unions. So it’s better to leave this nation go to somewhere in USA or Singapore and start a business there.

True state of affairs in our country. Your tenacity is admirable. May be Republic Channel may find it interesting enough to take up.

There is no hindu muslim here so news channels will never pick it up.

Maybe he should find change religion to whatever is the opposite of the govt officials and then claim oppression to get some coverage.

This is the situation and they want India to be ”Atmanirbhar” God can only save this country…..

In Maharashtra land revenue code 1966 there is a spacial clause for industrial NA that is clause 44A
I think it’s easier to get Non agriculture permission for manufacturing industry

Hats off to you for having so much patience.
I support Modi government and also thought Fadanvis as a good leader. However your experience should be a tight slap on the face of so called Atmanirbhar Bharat and Mi punha Yein!

I would say Fadanavis Sir tried a lot to speed up digitizing the process. No point blaming anyone. All we can do is – hope that someone finishes the task.

Thanks for pointing out these defects in our system which makes it almost impossible for aspiring entrepreneurs to develop businesses. Unless we sort out these flaws India will not become startup and business powerhouse. These tedious processes must go for the good.

Nicely informed hurdles .Govt should frame out simple procedure to obtain NA .

Nicely informed hurdles while obtaining NA .
Govt should frame out simple procedure to obtain NA .

MH is NOT the most friendly Govt. particularly when you go to smaller town like Sangali. ‘Norm’ in India is to treat everyone as they doing something ‘bad, illegal, fraud, outrageous profit’ etc. So either a delay or a ‘cut’ … I know facilities that are lying idle due to such issues. Also converting Agree Land in to commercial is big attention catcher of bureaucrats so either pay up or suffer 🙁 Many do buy AL cheap and make huge profilt by converting it in to CL.

Corruption is entrenched everywhere. You must send this note to PM. Simplest would be using Narendra Modi App. Nobody else other than PM can help in this.

The one person who can possibly help you with the Talati and the Gram Panchayat is the District Collector. A kind BDO can also intervene. Also consider filing an RTI with Collector Office on how many industries have been given clearance in last two years.

1.RTI can also be filed for the non operational website.
2. RTI can be filed regarding the status of your pending applications with the concerned offices and how much is the average wait time.

Please send your case to pmo office directly. I’m confident that it will be handled differently by state after that.

I will tell u my sequel. Post all this NOCs and getting Non-Agricultural land approval and District industries letter for granting me incentive scheme for starting new industry( year 2008), i have received demolition notice stating my land as per new development plan falls in residential zone (as per year 2011). Thats not all , someone filed PIL in Bombay high court and now I can’t even sell property. (Case with over 2 Lac industries in bhiwandi, Maharashtra). Welcome to India , where you shouldn’t dream to start manufacturing.

These rural office bearers are real super boss & need to b rolled out, because they act as development road blockers. Ministers come & go. At ministries big brands gets auto approval s. Best wishes so as to maintain patience as more hurdles will flow on its own.

MIDC is full of time wasting procedures and one hell of time consuming department.
With consultants charging fat fees, saying the money gets to be paid, than see the work happening fast.

Is PMO reduced to Tehsildar now? Remove all the requirements by law, all. Anywhere worldwide a landowner can do what he likes on his land. Absurd rules in India from British period.

Unfortunately the government machinery is rotten to the core due to decades old corruption and mafia for getting smallest work done. Problem is when you want to invest for business, creating jobs, and an exchequer for nation and follows the proper system ,It challanges the corrupt system in place, it bars the under table earning of every corrupt official and the borkers running parallel system. Kudos for your efforts and struggle for starting up your venture. Hopefully your feedback will reach to the responsible officials at top and may do some good or it may irritate all those responsible for holding this work on behest of extra penny under table. Definately this need to be circulated and claimes made by the govt must be busted/reported and the needful is to be done. Best of luck for future progress in this regard.

NA certificate enormously increases the value of ag. land. All govt. actors want a share in this enhancement. Ironocally the Act intends to protect the simple gullible farmers from land sharks.

Boss I started reading your message, I read about the document collection part till mahatransco and I left it. It was so tedious for me to just read, I think how tedious it would be for you.

spot on. i commend mr shah for going thru all this work. 99% would just hire a consultant to do all this for a fee.

Same here. Need 10 000Modi like people to change things…God help India from years bureaucratic paperwork due arising more for corruption than checks and balances.

I had worked in a scheduled bank for nearly 5 years as Branch Head at Sangli.
I know very well the Govt machinery is functioning.Even a Minister in Late Deshmukh Govt who was also an MLA of Ichalkaranjee happily given money to the various govt agencies for speeding up the completion of a textile unit there.
The people who are innocent have no complaint in giving bribes as they are already accustomed to the system.
A number of self financing institutions are constructed on lands which are not converted as NA.
I ,being a novice in local affairs,was instrumental in getting sanction and disbursal of two TLs amtg to 900 L on such land which later turned NPA.
The managements who are politicians with high connections will not repay inspite of surplus funds for compromise settlements.
My retirement benefits were fortunately released on day of retirement in 2013 thanks to my management who never doubted my honesty and integrity.
The farmers availing agri loans and tractor loans have no intention to repay.
Lodging a complaint is a futile exercise.
The District Collector’s office was pending for construction for more than 3 decades in 2007 and it was constructed after 2013 thanks to dynamic Fadnavis as CM.
His non tolerance to Corruption led to his loss of power as the Chanakya of Maharashtra was willing to accommodate any one other than Fadnavis as CM.
Now he has got a good Co in Uddhav.
Sir, u have wasted time and money as u want everything overboard.
Everything could have been done within 9 months provided u greased the palms of the politicians and bureaucrats .
In that case ur achievement of breakeven after commencement of the unit will be a distant dream.
My humble advice as a 66 year old citizen is that a honest man like u shall not continue with the unit

Thank you sir for your honest information. I agree with all of what you have said. I am currently a student, learning finance and web development as well. So let’s see. I will try to finish this along with my studies.

I draw my inspiration from my father who retired as Chief Engineer in the most Corrupt regime of Late Jagannath Mishra as CM in Bihar. My father had worked honestly up the ladder as after passing out from Engineering College he had worked with British Bosses.
Jagannath Mishra had reputation that unless he gets in excess of 50 Lakh he doesn’t brush his teeth. I’m talking about 70’s.
CM wanted my father should bribe 65L to get 2 years extension and a new Designation Engineer in Chief. He could manage his job n retired with all benefits because of his past Karma. But I had seen the stress during ltose last days of him being in office.
The Corrupt create pressure on you because they want to earn money.
Throughout my life didn’t pay bribe be it Railways Journey (travelled overnight standing) or DDA (wrongly they wrote Savita as Sarita in my wife’s flat allotment letter and wanted bribe to correct the name), Income Tax (for Refund I got after 3 years but did not pay 10%)…
Of course my MD always use to say, Sharma Ji…take a Business Decision. Pay n get the job done or else delay will hamper your Progress.
It’s always moral dilemma to pay bribe or not…I would still say: don’t pay Bribe but then tremendous patience you need to have besides perseverance.
I always wanted to have something of my own, a small factory but knowing this World of Babus hung the boots after working in Corporate for 33 years.

I think the author of this blog should co tinue with his effort. Someone has to. We cant just let them continue like this. The destination maybe far but not impossible. Someday sonebody will breakthrough.

But uncle, this ordeal looks to have started at the time BJP was in power under Fadnavis. Are we just reimposing our political preferences on truths to create ‘our own, personal truth’?

What does the jump in “Ease of doing business in India” rankings convey. It is just a lot of hot air. Now, we can easily understand why a Japan which was practically razed to the ground in 1945 bounced back and hosted the Tokyo Olympics a mere 19 years later, in 1964 and why Bengaluru metro takes over 20 years for just 100 kms of track.

Because Bangalore metro provides regular source of continuous money for the political leaders. Would you complete anything if completion would mean a loss of regular monthly income? Corrupt money in metro’s case. That is the reason E Sreedharan was not allowed to run this project as there would be no moolah

I think you should share your story to the PMO and the MAHA CMO and show them the reason why it is difficult to start something new in the state and also the need of Single Window Clearance for the growth of the country as well…. Which should (Mandatory in each and every state on INDIA)

My sister finally got one plot of ours NA after rigourous follow-up of over a year and Thousands of trips from Mumbai to Panvel and all the places they directed to!!! It is toughest to start anything on your own in a clean way?. Very well documented!

People do start what ever they want without any noc..
Not only that they encroach land and still do fine.
Unauthorized constructions… you know that very well.. generations flourish till the time comes to demolish..on top of that they get compensation God is with them…
You want to go the proper way… then I think all these authorities
after reading your write up …I think they act as if a customer is entering their office after ages…so extract as much as can be extracted or else harass… no one is in need of mushrooming industries… they are all very happy to see mushrooming taparies…illegal or other wise…
This is precisely the reason why every body everts the proper way.. and are happy by short cuts… no one is there to reason why…
Time aayega to dekha jayga… is the motto…
I am so glad that you did take doo much trouble to pen it all…
And even if one gets all that and actually is able to star. Right way or semi right way or taking short cut… then the next big hurdle…monster you name it even swindlers are smiling banks…oh..
There’s no end…
Give it up is easy and putting tapries are peace of cake…
I know some who actually own such tapries and rent them out… innovative… this all has to end some where.
There are millions who share similar or near similar conditions and thoughts.
Best of luck to you and hope things become pleasant in near future..
MIDC in Maharashtra did well.. but then people bought plots as investments… no production in half of the initial dream industrial area… then they started giving plots to mentally retarded or disabled…cost guards… charity intrigues…what…. how can this be possible…in areas developed initially for industrial growth.. people use it for every thing other than industry…residence…as well…
Now as there was no progress as desired no…i new MIDC’S for the genuine needy entrepreneur…
or total India will be tapri economy..god save us..
Thank you for reading..

In 10 months Tesla Gigafactory in Shangai was constructed from start to finish in 2019. This is one of the largest factories in the world by footprint. Off course i am sure a lot of months of negotiations and planning went into place in the years prior, but still, food for thought.

Only thing I can make out is….bribe is birth right of Babus. N No one can deny… this….All this NOC business be made online with onus on Govt to cleae a file in time bound if any objections intimate within 15 days. Nil will be assumed thereafter……

Hi, I can understand the ordeal you went through. But the idea to construct a warehouse in agricultural land is the bad one to start it. Laws don’t support it. If it was so easy, all agricultural lands would become buildings. But then, I get you point on ease of business.

Governments must set up single window clearance process. Applicant should require to submit one common Application form and documents like Affidavit, rest all process has to be single window officer responsibility. Government may lavy reasonable charge Charge for this process.

I sincerely hope that you succeed in yr mission asap and start the factory I hope the bureaucrat wake up from their sleep and work for the progress of our country no pint hosting a flag when you can’t help yr own country men.

What you have experienced is experience of us all. I am 100% with your efforts to change this. Please let me know whatever I can do in this.

This is india. It is just a trailer. Once you start manufacturing, then govt will ask you to file various returns, then officer do assesment, give them bribe else get notice. Income tax, gst, tds, pf, esic, labour laws, pollice etc all want their own share

Misleading article,. This attempt is to use a Agricultural land for Non agricultural purposes and hence the delay. These NOCs are required so that nobody in future will create trouble for the entrepreneur.

I am setting a commercial establishment in a different state. I have a similar story. But, one thing I want to point out is the more no of meaningless NOCs that a department requires means more no of people asking for it means more bribe for the respective department.

Pay the bribe, you goody two-shoes
These “moralist” nerds are extreme cringe, I swear
You are just weak and fearful to pay a bribe and that’s cowardice
inb4 “morals”, lmao

Frustration is clearly visible. Where is make in India? Please put it in twitter and tag everyone frm pm to cm. The documentation is a tamasha in this country.

Your follow through is really commendable.
How can I help?
Have you tried to Send this ordeal to PMO office?
I would try that ask them “was this supped to be the goal of Make In India”?

Also share your blog post with news media to gain traction…

It would be great if you could convert this blog in local languages, probably hindi and marathi. Please let me know if you need help. We could forward it to district magistrates and newspapers for better awareness.

I have just started this process and I do understand your frustration. If I can be of any help please let me know

Being a manufacturing unit owner I had to go through similar stuff tooo, it’s really had to start something and after all this hurdle they come and take away the taxes without giving us any benefits

This is good insight. There should be one nodal agency that can manage all departments.Start petition in Can get a large number of people behind this and get policians to take note.

Reading this makes me squirm. I wonder where is the Ease of Doing Business drive? Just because we have had a disruption due to the virus, do we forget our long term priorities?

You will gain tremendous support. Name and shame all the person involved. Let them rot in hell. We will support you.

Agree, I have been thru all these and finally left our land as it is, since lot of permissions not available without bribe or an agent… In Sangli itself. I would like to support you..

Oh! I am sorry to hear that. I hope that I will be able to complete this project. You could share more details if you still want to get it done.

We abandoned a similar idea in Karnataka. However in addition to Govt bureaucracy we faced a lot of issues from farmers which controlled access as well as brainwashed local villagers when trying to set up a food processing plant on inherited land.

At least u have the option to start a manufacturing business in our state there is no option to start any business at all if we do also after a long procedure the tribal people organisations will disturb you to give extra Tax – a modern word for hafta wasoli

Naming and Shaming them will create more troublers, instead getting a grading system will make them go low in performance and they will improve performance to gain ratings then

Alternatively, having more digitized economy will salvage most of the troubles in a holistic way, as that aids a more and well vettable digitized systems

Respect for your fight. Would like to support and want to be part of this. Am a journalist and I write for Indian Manufacturing. People like you are our assets. All the best.

Hi Rohan,
I’m a podcast producer for BillionTwenty Media an upstart podcasting company working on a story about the ease of doing business in India. I would love to interview you about your experience.Can you please email me at [email protected]?

No bribe is Good slogan. But cost escalations due to delay is also matters & it will add up to cost of product.
After completion of project also “They” will come to collect Hafta every year.
Pl forward to PMO. I am sure it will at least solve your problem- but may not change the system of corruption which is 70 yr old.

A lot of people especially those who never started a business or work in government (government employees), are completely unaware of such harassment or they totally support it.

Thanks for sharing your experience Mr.Rohan. Please raise a campaign on, we will join you.

The system of corruption will reduce with more digitized and holistically vetted system and with real-time taxation process in place, a campaign for Non-Cascading Transaction Tax already exists, and when that joins ease of doing business, India/Bharatavarsha can be much better

Have you tried reaching to PMO? Also, if you get a solution, please do let everyone know. Also, o feel modiji when says, make in India, he should also specify “how” in this context.

Cheif you aren’t alone in this fight, we would all like to come to your help together just shout out, we would love to help you.


I agree with some others here. All states and Central govt. should constitute a single nodal agency for all operations and strict service level timelines should be adhered to. And all applications and processing should be transparent and made online for anyone to check. That way, we can keep both the government officials and the businessman honest, so that genuine laws/rules and their underlying intent is not compromised.

Keep fighting boss. Send this entire story to pmo and state chief minister office. Try to make a video of it and get pmo tweet on this. Get media attention on this.

Do you think our current CM will take interest in this & “come out” to help you?
I don’t think so

Though not advisable from an ethical viewpoint, in reality, don’t ppl just start a unit without bothering about all these clearances? And then keep ‘managing’ the relevant depts as they visit?

Wow !!! Absolute wow… The craziness and heights of nonsense..this country never ceases to amaze. What patience man you have? Shame on the system and the people who run it.. we deserve to be the third world country that we are..

The system is devised to serve the interests of bureaucrats only. They don’t care about business growth, economic development or employment generation. They have job security for their life and have no responsibility or accountability. The only way to avoid this hassel is to use so called consultants, who are effectively working as their agents to channel bribes to these corrupt officials to perform their normal duties. PMO can’t do anything here unless the grassroot level officials are made accountable and jailed enmass and their properties are confiscated…

A very insightful experience on the travails of an entrepreneur who wants to create jobs in this nation. Even 74 years after gaining independence from the Colonisers we still have not reformed the laws governing the land. The bureaucracy mainly monopolised by the IAS and in conjunction with the politicians on a quid pro quo arrangement have resisted any reforms in the system. The IAS cadre whose main domain is the Revenue department has utterly failed to bring any changes in this department aspires to monopolise all other departments at the highest levels. Conversation of agricultural land for non agricultural purposes is reeking in corruption. This is also the reason for the high prices of converted land for forming residential layouts industries or commercial purposes. It is high time the present system of bureaucracy is disbanded and proven and trusted systems prevailing in other successful countries be implemented here. The smallest official in the revenue department the Village Accountant is a very powerful man who has no accountability, just imagine how powerful the senior CIVIL SERVANTS higher up in the hierarchy will be. This is the reason why Indians are more successful in other countries than in India. A second mass movement is very much required in this country.

There needs to be some regulation. You can’t just build whatever you want on an agricultural land even if you own it. How can a government make sure that people wont take advantage and build whatever they want once they get permission to build a factory on an agricultural land? If I have to pick one concern then that would be pollution which would affect your neighboring land directly.

I agree that there should be regulation. But there shouldn’t be loot, bribery, corruption, time wasting like people currently experience.

While I concur that there shouldn’t be any corruption in the system but I also firmly believe that there should be a thorough vetting process in these cases.

By the way I liked the article very much and hope your dream is fulfilled soon if not on your own land then so be it.
The only statement that concerned my was “Yes, you need to obtain “permission” before you build any manufacturing structure on your own land with your own money.”
It’s sad that we have to remind this to people and lot of us find our ways to get these permits by bribing or through so called “vashila”. Yes it’s our land purchased by our own money but it’s not isolated in a vacuum its connected to other people’s lands or houses etc. so we need clearance from all parties.

Your assumption that by getting permission the permit issuing authority is knowledgeable and prevents a catastrophe is juvenile, all these laws exist only for harassment nothing more. If rule of law is prime then we would not be discussing this blog in the first place. These laws were British legacy to prevent any thing coming up and who ever ruled us since independence have left it as they wanted to rule and not govern. If an industrial plot is available in government approved manufacturing zone please find out how easy and inexpensive it is to acquire that space.

Yes permissions are required, but how far and how many. Why local tasildhar has to endorse electrical connection?

Why an agricultural land be given NA certification. Merely because you own it! If industries keep on eating or grabbing the agricultural land, the days are not far when you will be left with slums like Dharavi.
Now think you are fed up with only some chain link. How much Gandhiji would have suffered in getting independence from British rules. There were 30 crores misaligned, lesser educated Indian….
While going through your plea, I feel NOC of one more department is required… परिसीमन! Because of frequent changing of boundaries of Municipality… bythetime the application matures you may find your place not in Sangali taluka/ district. Also consider the scenario post 24th April 2020 on declaration of two (2) new laws for Panchayat.
Please ask Government to provide waste land for building of factory/s and Stop dredging agricultural lands which is shrinking resulting deforestation and so on. Because today’s industry on agricultural land deprive tomorrow’s food from that area, may be a ground water or a fruit tree .

React out to

the process will start with an under secretary, and then will be addressed by a Joint Secretary of PMO or relevant authority of specific department in 7 to 15 days in general, please try this route Mr.Rohan

We need a well tracked issue between all departments, instead of individuals/entrepreneurs moving papers around and they sending us from department to another, while we can understand your pain and India/Bharatavarsha losing time of an entrepreneur, still I wish you donot blame the country, but take up the issue and when likeminded join hands, things can be better for us all, once we have a policy reform, even though bringing policy reform is the duty of the govts as their prerogative

Why is agricultural land sacrosanct? The fact that agricultural land cannot be converted is bad for agriculture too.

Not only agricultural land, I mean any land. My point is, and again in simple layman terms (not going into politics or any existing laws etc) – people should think or their plan should be checked by authorities before starting any kind of manufacturing unit anywhere. I have seen people having workshops or food/sweets making factories in their backyard and the sufferings of their neighbors.

Theoretically you are right. But practically these procedures are being used to harass and extract money from the citizens. A suggestion here is to give a time frame of maybe a week or a month and if it is not granted for valid reasons it should be deemed to be approved and the concerned officers should be held responsible if there is any violation of law. Only then these authorities will ever act.

I have a factory that I built in 1985 – I locked it and left it when I moved to the USA -it is in UPSIDC in Lucknow on the LKO-Kanpur road. A 60 ft x 80 ft shed on 1100 sq yards. I redid the all the paper work again this year and it went well. I paid all kinds of bribes to get what I got done then. There is BMW dealer that is using all ugly means to take it and I do not like the guy. I will gladly rent it if any NRI is interested- Ravi +147026681810

Tweet it and spread this on social media. Send this to NITI Aayog who are interested in improving India’s ease of doing business.

How can India ever be a developed country if small time villagers with some power block manufacturing like this.

Starting a business in india is not a cup of tea for beginners.

Only large groups can do it and they only ultimately succeed
Isn’t it just wasting precious years of your life chasing these permissions for a venture that itself is full of risks!
Now even youngsters from traditional baniya community, the traditional wealth creators, are joining bureaucracy leaving their age-old businesses.
This said, I still wish you success and may you succeed in your objectives or else you could become a best-selling author

MH is not easy bull. In one of recent international webinar, some one asked questions to start manufacturing in India and speaker said, don’t waste your time.

Sir, you have spend so much time, sometime by the time you get permission, the entire dynamics business changes.

Irrespective of govt, it’s difficult to open industry in our country, sad to say, but fact.

All concern departments required to declares restricted areas only where they not agree for NA. All other areas are free for NA.

General public only see the all concern departments permission online and take the printout and can submit within a hour NOC of all department.
If there is some ones restriction on that area the government/concern authority must go in details and decide eligibility of that condition and solve the issue. Like this the Areas must be declear for NA purpose then general public can start Units very easily..
Be positive required government
officers Active in development of Country.

Just by reading this I am thinking to Giving up my idea. This just what will happen once you start manufacturing..:(

Always wondered despite all the good intentioned prachar by all -why ease is still a mirage – refuse to believe that the right hand does not know what the left is upto, -calls for drastic measures.

Shocking. Politicians don’t mean what they say. They practise some thing different and preach something different. Will Modi ji or Uddhav ji sack a few incompetent persons in national interests? District Admin should be made accountable for such delays and censured.

A relative wanted to start a hotel in Himachal Pradesh. He too wasted maybe a year and a half collecting a growing stack of NOCs. It took him all of three days hanging around the Tehsildar’s office to get a “Bonafide Himachali Certificate”, and that too after knocking around from Ward Member’s house for her all-important noting, which had to be counter-signed by the Nagar Panchayat Pradhan, and of course rubber stamped by a nice lady in another room, who unfortunately had to leave for home rather suddenly.

And don’t get me started on the Town Planning Deptt. That was started with the sole aim of harassing people.

There is an alternative procedure to convert land to NA . You need to make an application to collector office u/s 44A alongwith 7/12,8A,Registry etc. Now as per the provisions of the section collector should call a meeting of all the officials of the 11 departments and the entrepreneurs and follow up with the officials on the status of NA .It helps as the officials are fast to respond as collector has called the meeting . The only problem is that the collector should call the meeting. So if all the NOC are obtained the collector will write a letter to the SDO to issue a “Sanad”(Certificate) for NA use of land which can be used as a NA document in banks and for official purpose.
In addition to above you could write to MAITRI (Google it ) they have nodal officers from all the state department to facilitate industries.
Hope this helps

Ask for forgiveness, not for permission. It takes time & effort to actually “raise an objection”. They’re not interested in providing a no-objection, but they’re not raising an objection. Therefore, they are not-objecting by default. Proceed. Whoever has a problem should come and talk to you.

My suggestion is:

The government Should integrate all these departments responsible for such licensing under a “smart process” with an objective to release all permits for new business applications within a stipulated time. Of course subject to approvals.

The departments performed well to be given points & awarded every year for their efficiency.

Feedback for non issuance of permits by any department concerned to be reviewed. If not valid downgrade poor performing Dept.

For arbitrary delay or breaking the chain and in the absence of feedback automatic Clerance to be awarded.

Ease of doing business shouldn’t just remain a slogan.

There are institutions( noida / yeida/ Hsidc / Upsidc / MIDC / Tidco etc which build / facilitate industrial townships having decades of experience and from whom one can buy plots easily .
There are many advantages of industries in single aggregated controlled zones over stand alone units in remote locations ( until they are of Scale )

Yeah… I understand the situation. I had tried to start a small scale unit years back in TN, but dropped the idea due to the amount of Red tape, bribes and other charges. In the end decided it’s not worth it to start a manufacturing unit anywhere in India as the Govt and people running the Govt will not allow it unless you bribe them. India will be a “fourth” world country if we don’t get rid of this culture. All other third world countries are changing and improving, but not India. Modi’s “Make in India” campaign is only for the Rich and Illustrious, not so much for the common man to start a venture.

I thought starting a business in WBengal was difficult. This is even worse. Make in India and Atmanirbhar are all farce.

I am not surprised ! EODB is just a theory floated around by state govts to score brownie points with the centre to project itself as an investment friendly destination! But the practical part is exactly what you just described in detail ! This is the template in every state ,with varying degrees of hurdle creation ! Bad luck ! But wish you luck for future endeavours !

In a state like Telangana(being the neighbouring state) there is an attempt to overhaul the entire Revenue system by the administration!Towards this end,first the revenue records were ‘cleansed’,digitized n uploaded in the depts website !But in the process norms notified were stringent that many farmers could not satisfy the lower level bureaucracy n took their lives as the officers would not grant them patta(title deed) for the land! Many many anamolies crept into this exercise that created unwanted anxiety among the farmers,some of whom died ! One farmer was so incensed for the Tehsildar not awarding the patta that he set her ablaze! Inquiry is on !With a lackadaisical n apathetic administration coupled with a rapaciously greedy revenue bureaucracy,the situation cannot become more worse ! It’s Ram Bharose !

The authority should create a single window clearance and in todays world with the available data that is connected and can be connected you should have been given all the permissions in one go from one central authority to start soon . But the vested interest off the babus not only in Maharashtra but in every state makes sure that you are harassed so much that you finally start paying the bribes to get the work done.This system must be broken down or you will have to earn in black money to pay in black so it takes us back to the good all days of black money
Your efforts are bold brave and praiseworthy let us hope that the government take note of the situation on the ground to facilitate small entrepreneurs.
Governments must solve these problems for the intrapreneurs add make a single window clearance system for them. They should clear any application given to them in 30 days otherwise all permissions will be deemed to have been granted. The government can get the block development officers to facilitate such
The block development officers should be incentivised by the government to start such units in rural area and he should be made the one point contact to deal with all the government departments.

This is what atma nirbhar Bharat is all about. The bureaucracy wants you to be atma nirbhar and you did that tirelessly hoping still things to turn around.
This is how we would beat China. Great going Govt of india

Many Problems I can figure out in first 20 seconds –
1. Will you allow to open factory in your residential neighborhood? no. Then why on farm land.
2.What are safety measure for labour? Is there any nearby hospital or firestation.
3.Why we have so many SEZ than?
Be practical.Open factory in SEZ and MIDC.

Various concerns like power cables,pollution, road planning are all valid , but it should be one counter to solve, let them say yes or no but single point

This is just depressing to read. Forget all of the other hoops an entrepreneur has to Jump through and then in our country, you have to deal with such an unfriendly system as well!

Sir, Tesz ( is an attempt to make it less difficult to interact with government. We have a community of citizens, govt departments, experts to answer citizens queries and help with the documentation process. We are pretty active in Kerala now.

I had horrible experience in my farm for electricity.1000 banana plantations died due to no electricity to water the plants.the electrical wires was theft by some body.the the chief engineer said there is no wire stock with them .at last I paid ₹50000then the next day the put the wire and got then my farm is dried.

This is really something which doesnot make Indians proud of being Indians and it is all pervasive Sarkari mindset. I feel it should be sent to the minister responsible for policy making and the PMO . Preferably with the designed process map , now that you are experienced the steps and can suggest some simplified check back. This process orientation I feel is not a cup of tea for our bureaucrats and ministers. Hence the cudgels must be taken up by persons with effective managerial mindset s.

Send it to the PMO? Some Minister?

Because they don’t know that this is how Govt actually works? C’mon they know exactly what’s going on, they also know they have neither the ability, not intention to change any of this.

This, my friend, is how the entire system makes money. You want them to change that?

Govt. is in the business of creating employment and making money for itself. Many officials want it to be different, but when a good person meets a bad system, the system almost always wins. Thats the story of Indian Government.

There is a special cell called Matri in state industry ministry. I got good help in case of MPCB consent. One officer there asked bribe and favours. Govt claims single window clearing, but this window is just front of 10 more windows.
Even if u pay bribes, there is no shortcut in documents. It simply moves things faster.

We all need to do our part in getting rid of corruption and red tape.
You have taken a giant step in the right direction and we are happy to help. Will post on twitter. Lets us know how else we can help.

I also had the same problem to start a LPG Station …… bangalore …… it’s a pain . They say it’s a single window ….. that window never opens. I had to struggle for close to one year eight months to get all my NOC , to start .

As saying goes,
No Country is perfect, it has to be make. PMO alone can’t do it.
Its citizens like you, who force to change for good.
Go for it

PMO alone? PMO will do nothing, continuing its ripe old policy of doing nothing. Let’s get off the high horse, people.

Dear Rohan,
As a fellow entrepreneur, this is all too familiar. My advise is to just get out of the project as early as possible. Even if you fight the system and build your unit now, you are in it for the long haul. The system will grind you down over the longer term. Just move-on.

To have good and productive industries all required permission should be available at a single window. Then India can think of competing with Chinese products both quality and Costs wise.

Because of such delay and corruption here, our over head & product cost goes up. Plus hefty power terrifs by MSEB. Plus power shortage n breakdown to add it.

Administrative attitude depicted in the post is,to say the least,disdainfully discouraging.The unit ,if allowed to be established,would have earned revenue for the state ,besides providing employment to certain number of unemployed people.It calls for fixture of accountability and indictment.

Hi Rohan. This post is an eye-opener. I must brace myself to face a similar ordeal with my project in Uttar Pradesh. Will find out soon. Would like exchange notes with you as I move forward.

Please don’t be misled by this write up. This is purely an issue of Maharashtra state govt. This has nothing to do with the Central govt. It is just a misleading article.

Wait till you start the industry and when ESI/PF and GST inspectors walk in.

Count your blessings that you didn’t start an industry in India. It will only end with you getting a heart attack

My dear friend i have read ur entire post and i salute your hardwork
I suggest you wrote to Shri Nitin Gadkari ji he is a vibrant individual and far better human
I am sure he will help u in this set up
Twitter or his office directly details available online
I wish u luck

These kind of lengthy and unnecessary procedure needs to be stopped in every sector. Half of the life gets wasted in running here and there.

You planned to start a industry / manufacturing unit in a land earmarked for Agricultural land, hence all these huge list of documents / NOCs required. Have u explored / inquired about documentation requirement for permission to start a manufacturing unit in an Industrial area?

You are still lucky. I was running a successful business & our growth was noticed & 2 corporates wanted to buy us. I refused which irked the Investors, where one was Guj govt funded PE. Balance sheet was being fudged to show High valuation, I refused to sign & was abused threatened. I was sick, so one Investor asked me to take rest & he respects my stand. Behind my back books were rewritten, employees suddenly changed, I filed complaint with ROC, even met Min for Corp Affairs. They all kept silent.
Customers were being served wrong recovery notices & there legal teams were hounding me. Afraid, I submitted my resignation for which was told board will decide. 3 days later a forensic audit was called n me blamed of misgovernance. On my response initially I was threatened on the name of bureaucrats & a draft given to accept exit @Rs 10/-. I demanded FMV with a offer that am willing to buyout@Re 11/-. Everyone went quiet, I kept knocking bureaucracy, govt, company. Finally when a Retd bureaucrat read my papers, he was shocked & said, you have done what the government was supposed to do, let me speak why you are being harrassed. When he spoke then suddenly my account was credited with 12.5 lacs n I learnt:
Quietly my resignation was filed in June with acceptance without intimation. My shares bought over @Re. 10/- in a hour another investor subscribed the share @110/-. The very next day ROC changed.
I was intentionally not communicated as else would have taken them to Courts.
Best part is most of the assets are now sold.
My Auditors dine with PM.
It’s only seen in film’s, I had a stroke paralyzing right side. Survived, revived but lost everything. Thou am still hounded by financers where intentionally my name as guarantor is not removed.
I remember the Investor when was asking them to correct the books had told me ” You have irritated the top bosses & ok don’t agree but I promise that you will never be able to stand-up again.
Next is the innocent employees who were suddenly removed they used to call n ask Why???
Till corrupt bureaucrats exists let Modi lecture, nothing will change.
Sad part is no one listens
After recovering I have again restarted but, as the Investor has said my CIBIL gets a hit apart from me getting unnecessary calls of financers.
Courts move at a snail’s speed.
Welcome to startup India.
Had started in 2011 leaving a offer which could have paid me 1.5 cr PA with 5 lacs as wanted to contribute in build India. YOY we were the only company multiplying Turnover. The greed of few killed the organisation & my faith in Modi.
It sounds funny, we were covered for Agri market platform early 2016 by Radione n was awarded by CNBC for innovation. E-Nam being called a historical innovative idea came much much later.

This is good way to deny the bad condition by saying it is due to bad admin of state government not Central Government. Modi ji when took power in centre removed more than 1400 rules . But which rules no one knows. The problems are created by those who are responsible for making things easy. It should be owned by both governments at state and centre.

This is good way to deny the bad condition by saying it is due to bad admin of state government not Central Government. Modi ji when took power in centre removed more than 1400 rules . But which rules no one knows. The problems are created by those who are responsible for making things easy. It should be owned by both governments at state and centre.

And we are expecting that all manufacturing units from china to will shift to India over night ………..
With the efforts like you, still hoping, things will be smoothen soon …….

Wait till you start the industry and when ESI/PF and GST inspectors walk in.

Count your blessings that you didn’t start an industry in India. It will only end with you getting a heart attack

All those posted in their respective departments,have to bribe someone to get those lucrative seats.They compensate themselves by getting back bribe from people at the cost of national interest. Single window system under cctv coverage can reduce bribe system. All Department heads including Secretary level officers should be made to sit in a single building without exception. Right to Service should be given priority.

After signing MoU for a Mega Project, obtaining more than 95% of all clearance (Centre as well as State) & even 1st stage Clearance for others, started construction & completed project in 2013. About 1.5 years suffered because of division of State & Inefficiency / corruption of UPA, so could not commission.There after some help from new BJP Govt., got pending clearance approved but still Refinery not commissioned. Apathy / Politics of State Govts, Virtually no help from Central Ministry & Financial Institutions are main reason. Company is NPA now.Too many care takers in Govts. without any background on Investment or experience in Industry, but none for the commoner or common good. Also entrepreneur is deceived by all. Huge employment potential for more than 700-800 direct & atleast 10000 indirect is possible. But all in deaf ears . Had written to everybody but no help. All be careful as with change in Govts – State or Centre, all things change in the system, so get yourself properly covered for risks before investing on ground

Ready to pay 10lakh, jaldh se jaldh hojayega…or go to ready made industrial areas, (land mostly owned by babus and netas)…that’s tragedy if avg Indian entrepreneur

The same goes with labour law registration and process… Super lengthy, lot of ambiguity which is still not clear…

Great initiative. let’s address this and make it happen

Finally buy a Bedsheet and Hang from nearest pole in front of Revenue Office. Hanging is easier than starting a business in India

Yeah I am going to do Gandhiji type satyagraha outside Revenue Department Office. Protest till death!

I am with you Mr Rohan. This whole matter can be resolved with 1 dedicated window. But but but…. Any govt whether it’s of a SsNCPInc or BJP they won’t allow Businesses to run smoothly bcoz they just want to milk the money

We are not design thinking when it comes to government and bureaucracy.
The design thinking is to create a system which solves or makes the existing problem irrelevant.
Chinese had created systems to solve their economic problem and became the wealthiest country in very less time. For the last 30 years 80% of world’s poverty alleviation has happened just in China.

A system is designed keeping in mind the output we want to have.
For example:
An airconditioner has system to give you desired temperature with the system in place if the temperature rises it automatically starts the compressor and when desired temperature is obtained the compressor shuts. This operates autonomously without us to worry, we just need to key-in the desired temperature on the remote.
Another example:
See the traffic management in UAE, if anyone jumps the red light or over speeds gets ticket automatically. This same design thinking China applied to its entrepreneurs. They created ready to move in spaces for their entrepreneurs so that they focus on their core ability of doing business and not the setup.
Now assume traffic management in our country, it’s fully dependent on the will of the traffic police on what action he wants to take if at all present.
The system eliminates discrimination and can run autonomously with human intervention hence if the government is really serious to make our country better they should be designing systems.

We the business class mostly MSME’s know how to fix problems and create systems to get the desired results but unfortunately, the opportunity to do this is not in our hands and we don’t have any say in it.
We all know how our policies and politics are run.

Central Government is working with clear vision… But state Govt. Dept. have theire own way of working..keeping all ruels and regulations in back pocket.. they never allow new enterprise to start theire own establishment unless new persons makes departments establishedment more healthy..

Some poor guy went to withdraw an amount from the ATM. There was no cash in his BOI ATM so he went to ICICI ATM. Here he didn’t receive any cash but amount was debited. He made an online complaint immediately. 2 weeks later the amount has still not been reversed into his account.
He was in urgent need of the cash. He has made email complaints to various departments of the bank and daily visits the BOI branch. He took a day off from work to visit his BOI home branch in turbhe also.
Instead he’s being told it may take upto 40 days. So he is left without money until then.
So much for the digital economy !!

Make in India will never be successful till the license raj is not completely eliminated. We dream of countering china and boycott Chinese products but how encouraging is our government to those who are willing to take the risk and start manufacturing in India.
Sometimes I feel Modi is all talk and no walk unless he does something about this red tape and bureaucracy.

This is the problem prevailing from British Raj. Babu’s and bribery is an integral part of our administration. Milking any one trying to invest in business or domestic work is their birth right. You must have contact or you pay up their demands touts are available in all departments.
I feel if everything is made online with time frame may help. I still have doubts these Babu’s may find ways for their ulterior motive.

Hi Rohan
Shocking, astonishing, frustrating .. just to read through your experiences of the hurdles. I can imagine how terrible you have felt just going through it live. I had a different impression/view of Maharashtra/MIDC in mind. Thanks for sharing this. Wishing you success in achieving/realising your manufacturing unit.

Our governments, when they talk about improving ease of doing business in India… they mostly do that for MNCs as it makes for better headlines they can share and gloat on social media. Whereas for ‘apna log’… this is the reality! Imagine going through this much trouble to build something on YOUR OWN land! Sharing this on my social media.

Request post it on Twitter, Facebook and relevant social media site and tag departments. Run a hastag so that people get know. All govt are populist in nature and as anything gets public attention, officials start listening. But fight will be hard and may God be with you in your crest and troughs.

Excellent post Rohan . Thank you for taking the trouble to share this with so much meticulous detail . Instead of simply criticizing every aspect of the process, you have acknowledged where the approval processes are required and were smooth and isolated the ones that are most prone to abuse and quite unnecessary

I believe a single window coordination agency with the mandate to expedite these approvals would be useful. If all the protocols you have mentioned could be housed in a nodal agency, it will allow entrepreneurs to focus on their business and get the right support from the government to get them off the ground

Some are quick to point out the nuances of State and Central government involvement in this whole process.

Makes no difference to the common man. Both State and Central government should get their act together and investigate these things on a continual basis. Question and make the Babus accountable for pending band backlog projects.

Development tales more than a speech, we need less fanfare and more action on the ground.

Wish you good luck with the project Roshan.

Hi Rohan!
Read your plight.Sad to know about it and is true that the same problems crop up in almost all parts of the country.Archaic rules with no real benefits suits the administrative set up.Further, if you manage to get NOC,
the real ordeal will then start during setting up of any maufacturing unit.

Great resilience shown by you so far, though the same cannot be said about any other person aspiring to start a venture in this rotten bureaucratic system. No wonder India has failed to arrest brain drain. The oft quoted argument is instead of complaining why doesn’t one do something about it. The fact is the system right from the grassroots to the top administrative & political levels is so rotten that no amount of therapy can cure it. The only possiblity in my view is that change has to come at every individual level, people should understand what it means to be honest & sincere in whatever they do. But I guess it’s only wishful thinking

Indeed very true and conveyed nicely, I have been victim of the system many times being a real estate developer.
This is the reason why China has become the manufacturing hub of the world. I have been to China and what I saw was that, if you want to start any manufacturing/service/business the government has specific regions ready for you. It’s like plug and play and no need to get thousands of paperwork and 100’s of NoC’s. No need to buy land, get NoC’s, obtain permissions, waste money and time. They only charge a nominal rental for the ready premises they give. By their model they save time, money in land and construction, they focus on their core ability of going business and not the setup.
If you want to start a business you can start instantly, you only need to worry about your business plan and growth and not how to setup unlike here in India ( buy land and waste years to get all the permissions) and at the end go bankrupt after putting money in land and running from pillar to post and waiting endlessly for the paper work to get over.

I just want to say, thanks for doing this and documenting it. Putting things online is the first step for change.

Excellent share. An eye opener indeed. Post reading you feel helpless and wonder what kind of system we are saddled with. Send it to PMO’s office. Let us hope good sense will prevail.

Kudos Chief on your endeavour..!!
You have borne the brunt of the fight. I sincerely pray that you have it in you to fight till the end, all knowingly that this will entail more time wasted for you.
But I am impressed with your patience and perseverance.
Change in Govt processes has to ignite somewhere. May your story be the spark the change the rules.

Sincerely pray for your success !!

You have done a great effort by going so long in your journey. I tried to set up things in Wada, but was put off by the way local agents there inflated construction prices, and NA bribe amount. If I would have read your article before wouldn’t have even visited any place to see the land.

By God’s grace, I could see what problem I am going to be in if I start a manufacturing unit in Maharashtra.

I decided to move ahead, and not set up manufacturing unit in Maharashtra.

I wish you great success and thank you for being so detailed in your wrote up.

Pathetic . Utterly disgusting . These Babus, be it in Maharashtra or Punjab or TamilNadu, arevthe same. Leeches bent upon sulking your blood till the last drop. To weed them out , we need Thousands like you. Hats Off to you Sir. Please forward it to PMO and CMO.

I am not sure about other states, this procedure is not streamlined in Maharashtra. Challenging the procedure in court and getting expected result is time consuming. I feel getting media attention is more appropriate step.

This story is same every where . Our people’s mind set is like that . In India first thing to be eradicated is CORRUPTION. Every thing else will fall in . My dream is if Mr Modi can do this before retires , India will be saved . Otherwise it’s survival of richestonly .

This Broke My heart. I was planning to set up a manufacturing plant for toys. It’s a great sector with lot of opportunities. But dropped my plan after reading your post.

If any one wanted to do something good in india, our Indian administrative lawas made such that it will ensure you frustrate and lose money and time , finally lose the hope and go for a work , So these laws / barriers are friendly for capitalists in india. and not for people who wanted to grow, if this is started by a politician , it is only one step to start industry wherever they want and whatever the money they got form, no questions will be asked. This is where india is going backward. bloody politicians always says we are developing and great, if this how the administration, we Only go backwards. we need to chop these Laws and made easy for genuine and stop for illegal.

Isn’t it crystal clear now, why almost all the business giants of the world and even some great countries, are headed by persons of Indian origin? Even in our academics, any bright and promising researcher, leaves our country to get recognition, or even win the Nobel, from abroad due to our corrupt systems and legacies of our colonial past. What a shame. This must change. Let’s spread it everywhere, including the PMO and rest only when we can beat the best worldwide standards. I was recently informed at an Atal Incubation centre that in Delaware, US, you can get a New start up company registered and operational in 30minutes. Unbelievable but true.

//My request to you is join me in this mission to really make India a place where Businesses come up like weeds grow on fertile land.//

Hmmm… what do you mean by the phrase “join me in this mission”.

Did you mean something tangible (like help you in some tangible way, for instance, help finance you, or something else), or merely sharing this article online, and to try to see to get it more buzz?

I agree that if more people were to try to approach courts for these things, and try to get the smaller offices in India to start working properly, maintaining proper records, and what’s more – start coordinating with each other, then that by itself would do a significant amount to ease up the process of doing business in India. That would enable India to go miles ahead.

From being a passive observer and commentator, that would drive many of us to take a more proactive part in the process of uplifting India.

Kudos to your honest explanation. Please tag PMO and bring this to central govt. India will never improve unless these burocracy change their behaviour.


I run school in NCT of Delhi …

Wahi the Famous Kejriwals’s Territory.

I have tapplied for up gradation of my school in 2014 and I am still waiting for … Even though all the formalities are complete and Rs. 10 Lakhs later I am still waiting for my school to get NOC from Delhi Govt.

Although the corruption money has gone up by atleast 2.5 times..
Yeaterday only I ws talking to my friend that

The level of harassment an entrepreneur has to face to run or start a business in India …

He should be getting some gallantry awards for sure.

Very sad. This is the true image of make in India. Entrepreneurs are treated like criminals and officials have created as many hurdles as one can and politicians just don’t have the courage to stand with the citizens.

No sensible person is going to invest just to be trapped in these vicious circles.

You are right. Same problem exists even if you want to make an ews certificate. Bureaucratic apparatus sucks.

Every state/city should have their own single window application process for such sanctions, which can be based of Project cost or area. Upload all 20-25 documents in 1 go, pay a collective fee & the approvals are internally handled across the 15-20 Govt departments within a 3 month time frame [1 month is too less to ask right now]

For economic or social growth, setting up a legal business should be easier than setting an illegal business. It should be treated as an opportunity to create jobs, skill enhancement & economic growth.

Rohan, I can understand your pain as my dad tried to setup a small scale industry many years ago and it more worse as many departments don’t even have websites.

There are some points before blaming. We have learned as part of this process.

1. I am against giving bribe, no way I’ll pay anything. But we have vultures sitting in these offices and they are no different people. They are normal citizens, but then they don’t understand and ask for money. You know people asked money for marriage certificate, death certificate too.

2. Problem with all of this is literate but not educated janatha who keep voting for people who are all sorts chameleon.

3. We should have better policies to manage businesses. Fortunately, due to some friends who cracked IAS and other exams, I got to know that things are getting better from last 15 years. Transparency and Online is improving but not so much.

4. No wonder, govts favour big industrialists as their reach is above all of these office heads. They talk to Secretary of Commerce OR even PMO, Ministries.

5. Lastly, the media. Any media today focusses on this non-sense of communal stuff, that this and all. But not anything related to development of people and their life. I wish this changes due to the online channels.

All the best in your future endeavours. And funnily, me and some friends are discussing to start something now.

Aravind Putrevu

Great to see your efforts in exposing all obstacles. And this detailed report gives a hint of your hard work which you already put behind all these NoCs. It is heartbreaking to see how the system stops you from doing your own buisness on your own land.

Dear Rohan I offer my full support to you for this, I also facing same problems,

Javed Tamboli

Very upset to know about the delays. Earlier govt has made people habitual of taking bribes or laws are made such a way to harras public in general.
Wishing you the best luck.

Great. All the best> Let me know if you need any help from my side.
I am lawyer by profession and can help you in this battle. Lets do it for change.

Please tag PMO and Narendra modi ji with the link to this . Let the Prime Minister realize the ground reality and take corrective action. Just preaching about ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ is not going to do a thing unless the change is implemented at grassroot level.

Nicely written. That is main issue that individual do wonders outside india and companies who are leving china are not comming in India

So sorry to note the plight you are in. Unfortunate that Indian public never raised any questions on gover ment efficiency for fear of marginalisation.There is no room for honesty too. Public in India and its states should change. Or else it will continue to be inefficient both nationally and internationally. Legislators are engaged in safeguarding their place in this rat race.

This is so unfortunate part of system. Not sure should we call this a system at first place. Feeling ashamed and crying from inside after seeing this so called system.
I love the way pen down everything.
I suggest You start a Consultancy business meanwhile to help yourself and others. This system is created to create These type of agent jobs.

Nicely explained actual situation.
Please go to media to explore possibilities that these issues will get addressed.

Also please come up with solution to this problems and how it can be simplified.

This is real pictures of atma nirbhar bharat
On Media TV Newspaper pictures of India is very good and bright very Good packing but product inside is worst then British Raj
Good pupils who want to work and make really good work are not supported by any GOVT DEPARTMENT they see us like milking cow and try to finish us

All Govt wether Modi or Congress they want that we should run pillar to post and only Ambani Adani like pupils have monopoly in all business

I can write much but no use
As a buissnesman I would request you if you want to do business in India go through agents Chanel pay bribe to required person and get your job done or else your project will be on paper and may be your grand children can start your dream

Just pay to agent get your job done and enjoy doing business this is all part and parcel of indian system don’t get frustrated if really you want to do business

All the Best
Your fellow Indian Business man

This is so disgusting. No wonder our country is impoverished even after 70 years of independence…. and we dont see ‘make/made in india’ inspite of all the brouhaha… I just wish your efforts bear fruit soon.. Good Luck.

Nicely written…
What about the promise from the govt about single window clearance
God knows….Is that policies exists or not…..

Please pass on this article to Prime Minister’s OFFICE (PMO) . I think that is the only place which can make a difference. With industries moving out of China, we have an unprecedented opportunity and if we give this kind of treatment to entrepreneurs, we will miss it for ever. So. It is important that PMO gets involved for necessary reform

Sir, after facing so many problems, it’s great that you are not giving up and have decided to fight against the system. We are with you in this fight. Hope the no. Of NOC’s required as well as the time to procure them gets reduced and corruption free

Same story all over India. You are better off cultivating vegetables in that land than setup a manufacturing unit. Conclusion is, its not just the politicians but the PEOPLE ARE CORRUPT.


After taking all these permissions , if and when you start unit

You will need to pay taxes more than 20 times of your take home income

You need to be prepared for sudden policy changes by Govt , declaring your products not legal anymore , without any compensation , this has happened to Plastic bag manufacturers units after running legal industry for over 3 decades

Any person can put spanner in works and detail your industry and don’t expect any support from law , it will take more than 50 years to get any final decision

Living in India is exciting , you need to manage chaos

Hats off to your perseverance and patience.
Unfortunately & very unlike China, The government machinery instead of easing businesses, puts a roadblock everywhere so that the honest entrepreneurs can be milked.

Please read online an experience of an indian company Technocraft starting a unit in China., & what unbelievable cooperation was given to them by the local government there.

We are poles apart, man.

Man kudos to you first for the never give up positive attitude secondly for the patience to put together the complex details of this stone age administrative proceedure compelling the govt of the day for a fact check on the realities of Ease of doing business claim. I sincerely wish u succeed and ur genuine fight for change become a case study. Warm regards.

I can relate to the pain and pray to God to give you strength to fight the system.
I have another horror story to share ..I closed a ppf account in Alibag po for my son opened about 20 yrs ago, the Alibag PO issued a cheque from SBI on 17th June, that I deposited in SBI Thane branch on 23rd June got the cheque back about 10 days ago, deposited in ICICI bank, where it was returned, paid 236 rs for a returned cheque..
Today niether I have the money from the PPF account nor the cheque..
Wait for the story to unfold..

I am very sad by hearing your story and I did experienced the same some times for another reasons in my village Maharashtra. I am with you in this , please keep fighting and need to share the same on bigger news platforms as well otherwise it will keep continuing for all of us.

Speechless, thank you for sharing your experience. We hope that your voice reaches every corner of country and all the related departments so that they become bound to change the rules. And it becomes easy for everyone to start a small or big business or for that matter anything legal.

This is the situation and they want India to be ”Atmanirbhar” God can only save this country…..

Superb… please keep up the fight no bribe…v r with you…write to pmo….media should take up and flash it ….

That’s quite traumatic Rohan and sad that a sea of change needs to be still made, to make India an industrial hub, to compete with developed countries like China. Although there is a political will to bring in huge change, it’s the grass root level bureaucracy that needs to be completely lifted. Knock the doors at the Centre to get justice……possibly it might help.
Best wishes in your fight for Change.

Very Very SAD news… Valuable TIME & ENERGY FLOWS, but these in heartened guys never ever understand the VALUE of DUTY. Really pathetic and shameful on part if these so called GOVERNMENT HERDS. Except on papers, print and media, these all are show pieces, unless these guys must be paid only for WORK DONE, without regular and assured salaries.

Roshan Wonderfully articulate. Independant india’s biggest failure has been its bureaucracy. They hide behind our politicians for their own reasons. Privatising government services with strong ombudsman structures may be an option.

We talk so much about businesses shifting from China to India! Long way to go! Even if China push them to India, no one can start here!!!! The PM has a great vision For the country but down the line Babu’s have a vision for themselves!!!

I agree this is trauma exist across the country and the very design of this process is to Extort money from genuine citizens who want to be part of building our nation. Unfortunately this will never change in our life Time as I see, coz there is no political will and the sheer quality of politicians being elected has gone down the tube and destroying any remote chance to get onto the correction path if I may say so. If your willing spend the money on such approvals, then files find skates on them. God Help is all..

The tree is decorated well but the roots absolutely fragile. Apart from the dadagiri& mafiaism, you have no liberty to choose suppliers of material at time of construction and at every stage you are held at ransom

Like some one has suggested, PMO should be approached because it will be very keen for new enterprises for our economy. Also why not meet up with Fadnavis who may be glad to use this issue to corner current Government. Yes, it will create local level hostility. But if you can withstand such hostility, you will be doing this state and all of us a great favour.

Sir, unfortunately people into business will always remain a “minority”. Most people in the country are of the opinion that people in business should be harassed as much as possible. This is the result of socialist brainwashing for 70 years.

I will try my best to make sure that the “real process” is known by everyone and no one will have to go through this again.

The beauty of the system is that they hide behind designations and official procedures. Only by name shaming the responsible officer be it Collector, Director, Talati etc will bring in accountability. Online procedures with a list of documents and a time limit is the best option to install transparency in the system. In case a issue is not resolved the option to escalate the issue online should be available.

10 years still my land conversion file is stuck in collector’s office.

Plus the time to get those NOCs.

Building a hotel for tourism what else can be more simple than this.

Land is on the opposite bank of the river and is less than 2-3 kilometre away from railway station yet falls under another district so all offices are spread in that district. Yet final permission is from collector of city district because in those 10 years it came under the urban area of the city.

And now both offices don’t know who has the authority over it and my file is stuck.

Blatantly corrupt, highly inefficient, arrogant and insensitive Govt officials at all stages of bureaucracy! Its is an expensive frustration. It took 29 months instead of stipulated 3-6 months for me, an Army officer, to get a Licence for pistol allotted to me. I got the licence after last date of collection of allotted weapon expired. I got my pistol allotment after 16 yrs of waiting! Because I did not grease any palm and I lost the battle ?!

It is really very pathetic condition. Let Govt make ANY claim of good governance! All good intentions of Modi are being scuttled by insensitive, arrogant and shameless bureaucracy from a peon to the top rung! God save our young entrepreneurs!

Good brother you have the patience and strength to fight out all this, otherwise 99% of people pay up the bribes cos they don’t have the time, energy and resources to follow up with the govt machinery and even if they would have had all of the above and fought for their rights it would have not mattered to these B*#*#*#s cos they are used to getting the money in the form of bribes or they will choke the non payer to strangulation till he surrenders to complete his work.

Very very sad to read and face this kind of things which most of us have to go through in most of the govt deppt if we have to get things done.

Finally and Forunately, we are blessed with a very good Prime Minister in our country whose is fighting a major battle to correct things and hopefully one day we should win against all the mental and financial atrocities that the govt institutions inflict on the people of this country..

Jai Hind.

This is Bullshit. It happens everywhere. The government is giving the full faceless facility and support to start the business through many sources but damn on to a few bureaucrats, who have eagle eyes to catch the businessman instead of giving motivation.
Almost 25 types of various licences, certificates and renewals are required to start a big factory.


This is the same in most countries and is good to have. With no rules, will come huge problems. It would be amazing if we could just buy land and do whatever we wanted on it, but it doesnt work like that. In the UK you have to go through the same process. Even if you own your land and your home, you still need to apply to build. It protects others, the land, and many other things.

Sue these assholes big time… show them the hell. We’ll help you will legal fees. Have no mercy on these shitholes. Fucking deemak’s of our society.

Wish to know
1. What was aim of business to go for agricultural land for business insteade dtsde of setting up business in nearest MIDC area

I think you have faced difficulty not even a 10% of which I faced . Maharashtra is such a corrupt state in India – every NOC has corruption , circle officer, tehsildarr office , collector office everyone corrupted .

The worst is local villager – they don’t allow any outsider to work even though they don’t know it . Ask Money as per their wish . Police is highly corrupted .

No action even after meeting Supritendant of police .

We have dropped plan of starting factory even after spending more than 17 crore in land and building factory .

I will ask everyone – DONT INVEST IN MAHARASHTRA


Thanks for taking the time and telling in detail what you have done so far, i hope you havw started the business for which you took so much pain and spent so much time, please share what business you have started as i want to start some business in my farmland in Karnataka or Andra Pradesh .

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